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Great Tuna Race

The Real Club Náutico of Port de Pollença actively participates in the Great Tuna Race - Simrad, which is considered one of the largest scientific events in sustainable recreational fishing. This event aims to promote a new culture of responsible and sustainable fishing by combining elements of science, research, and citizen engagement.

During the Great Tuna Race, local recreational fishermen are involved in catching, tagging, and releasing giant tuna fish. They use two different types of tags, electronic and simple tubular tags, to track the movement and behavior of the fish. By participating in this event, these fishermen contribute valuable data to scientific research and conservation efforts.

The Great Tuna Race is organized by the Alliance for Sustainable Recreational Fishing in Spain (APERS), an organization dedicated to promoting sustainable fishing practices. Additionally, the event has gained recognition from the International Game Fishing Association (IGFA) as one of the most innovative fishing events worldwide.


Real Club Náutico del Port de Pollença 

Muelle Viejo, S/N · 

07470 Port de Pollença 

Office: +34 971 86 46 35 

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May 27th to the 29th - Great Tuna Race